Computer Science and Application UGC-NET 2009 December Paper II - Q.13 - Q.24
13. A ________________ is a special method used to initialize the instance variable of a class.
(A) Member function (B) Destructor (C) Constructor (D) structure
Ans:- C
14. Encapsulation is
(A) Dynamic binding
(B) A mechanism to associate the code and data
(C ) Data abstraction
(D ) Creating new class
Ans:- B
15. Which of the statements are true?
I. Function overloading is done at compile time.
II. Protected members are accessible to the member of a derived class.
III. A derived class inherits constructors and destructors
IV. A friend function can be called like a normal function.
V. Nested class is a derived class.
Ans:- D
16. The E-R model is expressed in terms of
I. Entities
II. The relationship among entitites
III. The attributes of the entities.
IV. Functional relationship.
(A) I,II (B) I,II, IV (C) II,II,IV (D) I,II,IV
Ans:- D
17. Specialization is ________________process.
(A) top-down (B) bottom up
(C ) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
Ans:- A
18. Match the following:
(1) Determinants (a) No attributes
(2) Candidate key (b) Uniquely identified a row
(3) Non-redundancy (c ) A constraint between two attributes
(4) Functional dependency (d) Group of attributes on the left hand side of arrow
of function dependency
(A) 1 – d, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – c
(B) 2 – d, 3 – a, 1- b, 4 – c
(C) 4 – a, 3 – b, 2 – c, 1 – d
(D) 3 – a, 4 – b, 1 – c, 2 – d
Ans:- A.
19. A function that has no partial functional dependencies is in _____________ form.
(A) 3 NF (B) 2 NF (C) 4 NF (D) BCNF
Ans:- B
20. Which of the following statement is wrong?
I. 2-phase locking protocol suffer from dead lock.
II. Time stamp protocol suffer from more aborts.
III. A block hole in a DFD is a data store with only inbound flows.
IV. Multivalued dependency among attribute is checked at 3 NF level.
V. An entity-relationship diagram is a tool to represent event model.
Ans:- A
21. If the number of leaves in a strictly binary tree is an odd number, then what can you say with full conviction about total number of nodes in a tree?
(A) It is an odd number.
(B) It is an even number.
(C ) It cannot be equal to the number of leaves.
(D ) It is always greater than twice the number of leaves.
Ans:- A. Strictly binary tree with N leaves contains 2N-1 nodes. So when the number of leaves is odd number then the total number of nodes in the tree also will be odd if we apply the above formula.
22. The number of edges in a complete graph of n vertices is
(A) n (B) n(n-1)/2
(C ) n(n+1)/2 (D) n2/2
Ans:- B. The complete graph on n vertices has n(n-1)/2 edges.
23. At a hill station, the parking lot is one long drive way snaking up a hill side. Cars drive in and park right behind the car in front of them, one behind another. A car can’t leave until all the cars in front of it have left. Is the parking lot more like
(A) An array (B) A stack (C) A queue (D) A linked list
Ans:- C.
24. With regard to linked list, which of the following statement is false ?
(A) An algorithm to search for an element in a singly linked list requires O(n) operations in the worst case.
(B) An algorithm for deleting the first element in a singly linked list requires o(n) operations in the worst case.
(C ). An algorithm for finding the maximum value in a circular linked list requires o(n) operations.
(D ). An algorithm for deleting the middle node of a circular linked list requires o(n) operations.
Ans:- B
13. A ________________ is a special method used to initialize the instance variable of a class.
(A) Member function (B) Destructor (C) Constructor (D) structure
Ans:- C
14. Encapsulation is
(A) Dynamic binding
(B) A mechanism to associate the code and data
(C ) Data abstraction
(D ) Creating new class
Ans:- B
15. Which of the statements are true?
I. Function overloading is done at compile time.
II. Protected members are accessible to the member of a derived class.
III. A derived class inherits constructors and destructors
IV. A friend function can be called like a normal function.
V. Nested class is a derived class.
Ans:- D
16. The E-R model is expressed in terms of
I. Entities
II. The relationship among entitites
III. The attributes of the entities.
IV. Functional relationship.
(A) I,II (B) I,II, IV (C) II,II,IV (D) I,II,IV
Ans:- D
17. Specialization is ________________process.
(A) top-down (B) bottom up
(C ) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
Ans:- A
18. Match the following:
(1) Determinants (a) No attributes
(2) Candidate key (b) Uniquely identified a row
(3) Non-redundancy (c ) A constraint between two attributes
(4) Functional dependency (d) Group of attributes on the left hand side of arrow
of function dependency
(A) 1 – d, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – c
(B) 2 – d, 3 – a, 1- b, 4 – c
(C) 4 – a, 3 – b, 2 – c, 1 – d
(D) 3 – a, 4 – b, 1 – c, 2 – d
Ans:- A.
19. A function that has no partial functional dependencies is in _____________ form.
(A) 3 NF (B) 2 NF (C) 4 NF (D) BCNF
Ans:- B
20. Which of the following statement is wrong?
I. 2-phase locking protocol suffer from dead lock.
II. Time stamp protocol suffer from more aborts.
III. A block hole in a DFD is a data store with only inbound flows.
IV. Multivalued dependency among attribute is checked at 3 NF level.
V. An entity-relationship diagram is a tool to represent event model.
Ans:- A
21. If the number of leaves in a strictly binary tree is an odd number, then what can you say with full conviction about total number of nodes in a tree?
(A) It is an odd number.
(B) It is an even number.
(C ) It cannot be equal to the number of leaves.
(D ) It is always greater than twice the number of leaves.
Ans:- A. Strictly binary tree with N leaves contains 2N-1 nodes. So when the number of leaves is odd number then the total number of nodes in the tree also will be odd if we apply the above formula.
22. The number of edges in a complete graph of n vertices is
(A) n (B) n(n-1)/2
(C ) n(n+1)/2 (D) n2/2
Ans:- B. The complete graph on n vertices has n(n-1)/2 edges.
23. At a hill station, the parking lot is one long drive way snaking up a hill side. Cars drive in and park right behind the car in front of them, one behind another. A car can’t leave until all the cars in front of it have left. Is the parking lot more like
(A) An array (B) A stack (C) A queue (D) A linked list
Ans:- C.
24. With regard to linked list, which of the following statement is false ?
(A) An algorithm to search for an element in a singly linked list requires O(n) operations in the worst case.
(B) An algorithm for deleting the first element in a singly linked list requires o(n) operations in the worst case.
(C ). An algorithm for finding the maximum value in a circular linked list requires o(n) operations.
(D ). An algorithm for deleting the middle node of a circular linked list requires o(n) operations.
Ans:- B